- 2D Character Silhouettes in Photoshop.
- Rough detailed concepts in Photoshop or Sketchbook.
- Rough 3D base mesh from Maya or ZBrush.
- High Poly mesh of 3D character in ZBrush.
- Colour and texture tests on render image of character in Photoshop.
- Multi Render Pass from ZBrush.
- Composite final render image of 3D character from Photoshop.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
2D and 3D Concept Pipeline List
Project Tasks 9
- 31/03/11 (refined) - Create 2D and 3D Concept Pipeline, continue with prop modelling in Maya, and choose one of the two concepts towards high sculpting work in ZBrush.
- 01/04/11 (refined) - Create two costumes for the chosen character concept from Maya and export the grouped meshes in ZBrush for high poly sculpting developments.
- 04/04/11 - High detailed sculpting on Character No. 2 with chosen costume, begine colour tests with 3D PolyPaint (also in ZBrush), and redraft section 2.1 for Chapter 2 in dissertation.
- 05/04/11 - Finish 3D colour tests and final polished 3D character in ZBrush, and redraft section 2.2 for Chapter 2 in dissertation.
- 06/04/11 - Polish 3D character in ZBrush with props and chosen colour.
- 07/04/11 - Redraft section 2.3 for chapter 2 in dissertation, create rough draft for Learning Contract, and finish final 3D developments for Character No. 2.
- 08/04/11 - Meeting with Gordon (technical supervisor), redraft section 2.4 for chapter 2 in dissertation, and begin with Character No. 3 developments.
Meeting with Academic Supervisor 31/03/11
- Contact Ethics people about consent form.
- Refine dissertation draft (aim for one section for each 4 days).
- Send copy of dissertation to Lynn on 18th April.
- Finish Character No. 2 in 3D (also consider costumes).
- Create 2D and 3D Concept Pipeline.
- Begin developments for Character No. 3.
- Create draft for Learning Contract and email it to Lynn on 18th April.
Monday, 28 March 2011
2 Rough 3D Concepts in ZBrush
I've firstly made some updates on their zspheres to make them look better and suitable in their own appearances, especially the hands as I've increased the zspheres size.
When the updates were done, I then move on to forming the rough meshes for each chosen concept by using ZSketch on their zspheres as a sculpting method to create rough meshes (including the formation of the character's muscle structures). Through this, I found it very effective to develop, and with my graphics tablet, I can simply create the extra meshes on the character's original zsphere mesh with smooth and precice with thepressure sketch sensivity (acts like a pencil to draw lightly or hard on the surface).
Finally, I then set both the zsphere character forms into a base mesh, and worked on smoothing and adding more meshes to the character in their high subdivision forms (subdivision level 3).
I still need to add some props from Maya, such as cloths and a weapon (in low poly forms) for the two meshes in ZBrush, and see which of the two rough designs I will go for towards highly detailed developments.
Rough Monster Character No. 1 (Silhouette 3)

Rough Monster Character No. 2 (Silhouette 7)

Friday, 25 March 2011
3D Silhouettes for Character No. 2
Original Base Mesh

Mesh Silhouette No. 2

Mesh Silhouette No. 3

Mesh Silhouette No. 4

Mesh Silhouette No. 5

Mesh Silhouette No. 6

Mesh Silhouette No. 7

Mesh Silhouette No. 8

Like the concept process for my 2D character, I'll need to choose the two silhouette designs out of the eight for rough sculpting work along with the props modelling in ZBrush and Maya.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Project Tasks 8
28/03/11 - Rough sculpting on chosen two mesh silhouettes.
29/03/11 - Refine chapters in dissertation draft.
30/03/11 - Continue with sculpting work on mesh in ZBrush, and prop modelling in Maya
31/03/11 - Meeting with Lynn, and begin with colour tests using 3D poly paint in ZBrush.
01/03/11 - Polish final model with chosen colour and set in an action pose for turnaround animation.
3D Concept Pipeline Refined
- Mesh Silhouettes in ZBrush.
- Rough sculpt on two chosen silhouettes in ZBrush.
- Prop modelling in Maya.
- High detailed sculpting on chosen base mesh.
- 3D Paint in ZBrush (colour tests).
- Final detailed model in action pose with turnaround animations.
Meeting with Academic Supervisor 24/03/11
As for my first dissertation draft, she gave me some feedbacks about my first two chapters, and suggests that I would need to refine my quotes along with creative thoughts and arguements about any subject along with samples of images in each chapter of the dissertation. I'll also need to include some other quotes and samples of images from other concept art from traditional paintings towards animation developments rather than just focusing on game art (to help support any arguements or thoughts to each chapter).
For to recap, I'll be working on the following action points until my next meeting with Lynn:
- Work on creative 3D concept pipeline.
- Refine dissertation draft.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Developments for Character No. 2 in ZBrush and Maya
First Base Mesh made from ZSpheres in ZBrush (above).
When the first mesh was done, I got to work on re-topology process for mesh in Maya, and I then encountered some problems with the topology for the mesh's hand as I've found it very difficult to do. So I then decided to go back to ZBrush and rearranged the ZSpheres, especially the hand area, and then go over the exporting procedure again back into Maya. Eventually, I've managed to sort out the hand issue, and I then worked on topology in the other areas of the mesh model (e.g. foot, chest, and back). Though the process was long and very challenging to work on, but I did learned the procedures and problem solving during the re-topology work on the mesh in Maya.
As soon as the first topology work was done, I then exported the model back into ZBrush, and made some extra topology work on the base mesh (e.g. the basic muscle structure on the arms and legs). I also created a turnaround animation of the mesh in ZBrush with the 'timeline' tool to show the overall mesh at this stage. It's very simple to work on, and the timeline tool in ZBrush can be a big advantage for creating a turnaround animation towards the finished model instead of doing it in Maya.
Turnaround Animation of Base Mesh in ZBrush (above).
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Character No.1 Completed

Yesterday, I've finally completed my robot character design in Photoshop with some textures, shading, and also created a suitable background to place the character in.
2. Rough Details: Also quick to work on for developing rough details in colour over the two chosen silhouettes. Reasons for choosing the two silhouette designs out of the eight versions was because of not only their unique characteristics, but because of the process that can again be quick and efficient to develop further concepts all in Photoshop.
3. Detailed drawing and Colour Tests: For this, I've decided to draw the detailed design on paper and scan the drawing into Photoshop for colour tests. It's more suitable for me to work on instead of drawing the character directly in Photoshop as I'm more experienced on drawing characters traditionally than digitally. The colour tests had also gone smoothly as I can paint over the drawing and create up to 5 different versions, and it's also time saving this way.
4. Final Detailed Design: The same approach as the colour tests. Draw another detailed character concept in an action pose, scan the image, and paint over the drawing including shading and textures until the artwork is complete in Photoshop.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Project Tasks 7
15/03/11 - Finish 2D Character in Photoshop.
16/03/11 - Gather references on 3D Concept Art and Artists, and start working on 3D base mesh in Maya or ZBrush.
17/03/11 - Write up rough draft about case studies for 2D Concept Art in Dissertation.
18/03/11 - Write up rough draft about case studies for 3D Concept Art in Dissertation.
21/03/11 - Continue with 3D concept developments for monster character in ZBrush.
22/03/11 - Work on topology for character's base mesh in Maya.
23/03/11 - Continue with topology work in Maya.
24/03/11 - Meeting with Lynn.
3D Concept Pipeline List
3D Concept Pipeline List
- Base Meshes from Maya or ZBrush.
- Sculpt Hi Poly in ZBrush.
- Project Hi Poly model to base mesh (Low Poly) in ZBrush, Maya, or xNormal.
- Polypaint colour, textures in ZBrush.
- Export UV/Normal maps from ZBrush.
- Edit textures of UV/normal map in Photoshop.
- Import textures to base mesh in Maya.
Meeting with Academic Supervisor 14/03/11
Until our next meeting, I'll need to do the following action points
- Finish off my 2D character in Photoshop.
- Write up a rough draft of the first two case studies in my dissertation and email it to Lynn before next Thursday.
- Begin the 3D concept work for the second character along with a few rough 3D base meshes.
- Consider case study on Artists who works with 2D and 3D concept art.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Crit Presentation
Meanwhile, my Crit Presentation went well this afternoon, and I then recieved some feedbacks from the three tutors about my current development work featured in the presentation.
The first feedback was about my UDK plan chart as they say that I really don't have to worry too much about the UDK work, and stick with focusing on exploring into the different concept art methodologies towards my character developments. The other feedback was about advising me to take notes during each concept pipeline process for each character development work in order to gain enough data towards writing the dissertation.
So I need to again focus on finishing my robot character in Photoshop, list the 3D concept art pipeline, and then get started on the second character developments in 3D space.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
2D character developments: Color Tests 3 (updated), 4 and 5
I now need to finalise the design by drawing the character in an action pose, scan the drawing into Photoshop, and finally apply the chosen color (from the five test versions) with shading and textures.
Color Test 3

Color Test 4

Color Test 5

Meeting with Academic Supervisor 08/03/11
I've also discussed about organizing the dissertation structure, plans to create a 3D concept pipeline list, reviewing over the Learning Contract, and also about recieving a first responce in my forum topic from ZBrush Central along with very good thoughts and suggestions from the participant user.
After discussing about today's agendas, we then went through the next action points that I'm required to work on until our next meeting arrangements:
Agreed Action Points
- Two more color tests for the 2D character in Photoshop, then work on drawing the character's action pose, and scan the drawing into Photoshop for final color/shading and texture work.
- Write up 3D pipeline list.
- Review the Learning Contract, and begin to work on the contract with the aims and objectives.
- Begin the dissertation content.
- Discuss the project title for next meeting.
Monday, 7 March 2011
2D character developments: Color Test 3
Project Tasks 6
08/03/11 - Meeting with Lynn, lead Crit group, and work continue with 2D concept developments.
09/03/11 - Create Crit Presentation in PowerPoint, and sketch the 2D character action pose.
10/03/11 - Start writing dissertation, and finish the PowerPoint Presentation for Crit Presentation.
11/03/11 - Crit Presentation, create the 3D concept pipeline list, and Photoshop work on final 2D character (textures/shading).
Friday, 4 March 2011
Modeling/Animation/UDK Gantt Chart
2D character developments: Color Tests 1 and 2
xNormal Application
2D character update
Update on Meeting with Gordon and 2D pipeline list
So while I email him to ask about the process for 3D concept pipeline, I've came up with a suitable 2D pipeline list based on the resources that I've explored into from existing artists in books, magazine articles, online, and even from DVD lectures/tutorials.
2D Pipeline
- Silhouettes.
- Rough concepts (few chosen from the silhouettes).
- Detailed design in drawing form (sketchbook).
- Color tests in Photoshop.
- Final design in Photoshop.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Topic Posted in Online Forums
- ZBrush Central.
- Game Artisians (a newely discovered and suitable forum to post my topic since it's about 2D and 3D game art).
So now I just need to wait for any members who would like to respond and participate in this online discussion group, and help me with my project's research towards writing up the project's dissertation.
ZBrush Central Post: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=108591
Game Artisians Post: http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19165
Meeting with Academic Supervisor 01/03/11
We then discussed about the action points that I am required to focus on until our next meeting (probably by sometime next week).
Agreed Action Points
- Create a rough dissertation structure in a Word Document along with samples of quotes/references in each chapter.
- Continue with 2D work on the robot character in sketchbook, and work on color tests for the 2D character in Photoshop.
- Finish the poster for hiring an animator and hang them up in the Whitespace area.
- Make a 2D and 3D pipeline list along with details about each task in the pipeline.
- Create a UDK development plan for April.
- Discuss the Learning Contract in next meeting.
So for the next few days, I need to stay focus on my 2D character developments as strongly advised by Lynn and avoid spending too much time in UDK (but instead explore in UKD on my spare time from my character developments). I also need to get started in writing up my rough dissertation draft (mainley the structure), and begin posting my topic on the limited online forums based on my final draft of the 3D concept art theory topic, in order to gather any participants to join in the discussion group and hopefully gain some feedbacks about my project's research question and theory.
Dissertation Notes 2: Quotes/References
"A lack of fundamental design knowlege, I believe, is the core weakness of most 3D work online."
Scott Robertson, 2011, Faster, Better, Stronger: Strengthen your Designs, P. 32."
"Photoshop with a Wacom tablet is my go-to setup for all my concept artwork, but nothing beats my trusty pencils and paper."
Chi-Wai Lao, 2011, Behind the scenes of Dead Space 2, P.40.
"experimenting in 3D offers more possibilities than 2D. In the end it's the sketch that needs to carry the qualities-the final production should only affect the look."
Mark Gmehling, 2011, Abstract absurdity, P. 50.
Quotes 2: d'artiste: Concept Art, 2007, Ballistic Publishing.
"The best way to teach yourself these skills is to get away from your computer, and work on your sketchbooks!"
George Hull, 2007, George Hull: The Artist, Breaking into concept art, P. 11.
"For this, I think the computer offers little or no advantage."
George Hull, 2007, George Hull: The Artist, Development, P. 11.