This afternoon in the Whitespace teaching area, I've had a short meeting with Gordon regarding towards my current forth character developments in ZBrush. He says that my character's high mesh is coming along well, but he believes that it looks to 'blobby' and less detailed. So he then showed me some examples of well detailed character based on hard surface modelling along with using the alpha brushed for extra details (e.g. the Heavy Mech character by Mike Jenson from ZBrush Central). He showed me a handy and useful tool known as the 'Extract Tool' that allows me to create extra meshes by projecting them after using the masking tool (e.g. creating shoulder pads, body armor).
So as soon as my meeting with Gordon was finished, I continued with the high schulpting developments on the forth character in ZBrush and used the extract tool method to create body armor and pads for the character's costume. I then ended up with three different versions of the highly detailed character. I now just need to send some image samples of these versions to Gordon and hopefull he could email me some feedbacks about the high sculpt developments that I've worked on this evening.
Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

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