Sunday 10 October 2010

Quote References 1

I've looked up on some interesting quotes based on character developments using geometry shapes as references for my research and investigation.

This first quote came from a character artist named "Cory Loftis" who has been interviewed on a blog about how he would go about designing characters, and what goes through his mind from the beginning to the end of his character developments.

Cory's Quote:

"If it's something dangerous, menacing, or evil (for example), are my shapes sharp?"

Another few quotes that I've explored about this subject was mentioned by another character artist "Tom Bancroft" who mentions in his own views about designing characters with different types of shapes in his book "Creating Characters with Personality".

Tom's Quote 1:

"They are the foundation of your design in it's most basic form."

Tom's Quote 2:

"Circles evoke appealing, good characters, and are typically used to connote cute, cuddly, friendly types. Consider Santa Claus, or endearing, fuzzy animals."

Tom's Quote 3:

"Triangles easily lend themselves to more sinister, suspicious types and usually represent the bad guy or villain in character designs. Consider Darth Vader: His whole head is one big, mean triangle!"

I'll continue to research and invesitgate more into this theory on character design using geometry shapes from books to online resources.

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